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estimate_report_standard [2019/01/17 09:04] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +Estimate Report 
 +This is the primary estimate or quotation report.
 +Information Structure 
 +The report shows, in logical hierarchy, information from the following different sources and the table the information is contained within:
 +  * The Header Record (TransHeader)
 +    * The **Variation** of the estimate.
 +    * The [top-level] Line Items and Child Line Items[TransDetail].**This is the "detail" level of the report.**
 +    * The Company record (Account).
 +      * The company's Payment Terms (PaymentTerms).
 +    * The Primary Contact record (AccountContact).
 +    * The Salesperson for the estimate (Employee).
 +    * The Employee who Entered the Estimate (Employee).
 +    * The Billing Address for the Estimate (Address).
 +    * The Division Name for the Estimate (EmployeeGroup).
 +Tables Accessed
 +|| **Purpose** || **Table** || **Linkage Information** || **Filter Information** ||
 +|| Estimate Level || TransHeader ||   || TransHeaderID//param// ||
 +|| Estimate Variation || TransVariation || TransVariation.TransHeaderID \\ TransHeader.ID ||   ||
 +|| Line Item Level || TransDetail || TransDetail.VariationID \\ TransVariation.ID || (TransDetail.ParentClassTypeID \\ 10400 or //ShowChildItems//True) ||
 +|| Customer Info || Account || **Left Join** Account.ID \\ TransHeader.AccountID ||   ||
 +|| Contact Info || AccountContact || **Left Join**AccountContact.ID \\ TransHeader.ContactID ||   ||
 +|| Billing Address || Address as \\ Billing Address || **Left Join** BillingAddress.ID \\ TransHeader.InvoiceAddressID ||   ||
 +|| Payment Terms || PaymentTerms || **Left Join** PaymentTerms.ID \\ Account.PaymentTermsID ||   ||
 +|| Salesperson || Employee as \\ Salesperson || **Left Join** Salesperson.ID \\ TransHeader.Salesperson1ID ||   ||
 +|| Entered By || Employee as \\ EnteredBy || **Left Join** EnteredBy.ID \\ TransHeader.EnteredByID ||   ||
 +|| Dvision || EmployeeGroup \\ as Division || **Left Join** Division.ID \\ TransHeader.DivisionID ||   ||
 +Notes: TransDetail records includes both parent and child items.Parent     Items are always shown.Child Items are only shown when the appropriate parameter is set.Top Level Line Items have a ParentClassTypeID  10400 (variations).Child Items have a ParentClassTypeID  10100 (line items). \\ Important Data Fields \\ ||**Item** || **Field** || **Notes** ||
 +||Estimate \\ Number ||TransHeader.EstimateNumber || ||
 +||Variation Name ||TransVariation.VariationName ||Suppress display if only one variation  ||
 +||Line Item Description ||TransDetail.Description || ||
 +||Product ||TransDetail.GoodsItemCode || ||
 +||Quantity ||TransDetail.Quantity || ||
 +||Line Item Description ||TransDetail.HTMLShortFormat ||This must be formatted as **HTML** in Crystal Reports  \\ and set to auto-expand ||
 +||Line Item Subtotal ||TransDetail.SubTotalPrice or \\ TransDetail.MeandSonSubTotalPrice ||If suppressing child items, use the \\ MeAndSonSubtTotalPrice, otherwise \\ display the SubTotalPrice ||
 +||Line Item Number ||TransDetail.LineItemNumber || ||
 +||Estimate Created Date ||TransHeader.CreatedDate || ||
 +||Company Name ||Account.CompanyName || ||
 +||Salesperson ||Employee.FirstName+""+ \\ Employee.LastName || ||
 +|| || || ||
 +Group By \\ The following group by options should be supported: \\ ||**Description** ||**Level** ||**Optional** ||**Group ID field** ||**Group Display Field** ||**Notes** ||
 +||Estimate ||1 ||No ||TransHeader.ID ||TransHeader.EstimateNumber || ||
 +||Variation ||2 ||No ||TransVariation.ID ||TransVariation.VariationName || ||
 +Sort Options \\ The data within a group will always been sorted by the non-optional fields below and (if present) the user is given options to sort by the other fields.  \\ ||**Description** ||**Sort Text** ||**Level** ||**Optional** ||**Notes** ||
 +||Estimate ||TransHeader.EstimateNumber ||1 ||No || ||
 +||Variation ||TransVariation.VariationName ||2 ||No ||If only one variation, suppress \\ the displaying of the variation \\ name ||
 +||Line Item ||TransDetail.LineItemNumber ||3 ||No || ||
 +There are no user defined sort of options in this report.  \\ User Filter Options \\ The following options need to be implemented to filter the data and/or provide information to reconfigure the report display.  \\ ||**Description** ||**Parameter Name** ||**Default** ||**Data Filter** ||**Notes** ||
 +||Show Child Line Items || ||False ||(TransDetail.ParentClassTypeID \\ 10400 \\ or //ShowChildItems//True) ||Used to include child line items. Top level items have variations (10400) as their parent items.  \\ **Note:**If Child Line Items are not shown, the line item must show TransDetail.MeandSonsSubTotalPrice, otherwise it displays the TransDetail.SubTotalPrice ||
 +||Show Line \\ Item Totals || ||True ||n/a ||Hide or Display the MeAndSonSubTotalPrice or the SubTotalPrice on the individual line item. ||
 +||Show Unit Price || ||True ||n/a ||Hide or Display the unit price (MeAndSonSubTotalPrice/Quantity or SubTotalPrice/Quantity) for each line item. **Note**: You must check for Quantity0 and avoid division by zero. Also if Quantity0, display "n/a" as the unit price for that line. ||
 +||Show \\ Deposit \\ Amount || ||True ||n/a ||Hide or Display the Deposit Required text at the bottom of the estimate ||
 +||Show \\ Payment \\ Terms || ||True ||n/a ||Hide of Display the Payment Terms at the bottom of the estimate ||
 +||Hide Line \\ Item \\ Description || ||True ||n/a ||Hide or Display the HTML Line item description ||
 +||Show \\ Notes || ||True ||n/a ||Hide or Display the TransHeader.Notes at the bottom of the estimate ||
 +||Show \\ Entered By || ||True ||n/a ||Hide or Display the Entered By Information ||
 +||Show Tax \\ Exemption \\ ID || ||True ||n/a ||Hide or Display the customers tax exemption information. Account.TaxNumber and Account.TaxNumberExpDate if not null. **Note**:if TaxNumber is null, do not display date either. ||
 +||Show Store \\ Tax ID || ||True ||n/a ||Hide or Display the Store's Tax Exemption ID at the top of the estimate ||
 +Summary Fields
 +There are no summary fields for this report.
 +The TransDetail data should export into clean comma-delimited/Excel data.
 +Test Cases
 +Fields in Current Report
 +The current estimate SQL returns the following fields (in no particular order): 
 +TransHeader.ID,TransDetail.LineItemIndex, Account.CompanyName, TransDetail.SubTotalPrice,TransDetail.UnitParamName, TransDetail.UnitParamValue, Contact.FirstName,Contact.LastName, TransDetail.ParentClassTypeID, Contact.Position,TransHeader.EstimateCreatedDate, TransDetail.LineItemNumber,TransVariation.SortIndex, TransVariation.VariationName,TransDetail.VariationID, TransHeader.TaxNumber, Salesperson.FirstName,Salesperson.LastName, Contact.EmailAddress, Salesperson.EmailAddress,TransHeader.PONumber, TransVariation.TotalPrice, TransVariation.TaxesPrice,TransVariation.SubTotalPrice, TransDetail.MeAndSonsSubTotalPrice,TransVariation.DiscountPrice, TransDetail.Description,Salesperson.PrimaryNumber, Salesperson.SecondaryNumber, Salesperson.PriNumberTypeText,Salesperson.SecNumberTypeText, Contact.PrimaryNumber,Contact.PriNumberTypeText, Account.PrimaryNumber, Account.PriNumberTypeText,Contact.SecondaryNumber, Contact.SecNumberTypeText, Account.SecondaryNumber,Account.SecNumberTypeText, TransHeader.EstimateNumber,InvoiceAddress.StreetAddress1, InvoiceAddress.StreetAddress2,InvoiceAddress.City, InvoiceAddress.State, InvoiceAddress.PostalCode,EnteredBy.FirstName, EnteredBy.LastName, TransHeader.TaxesPrice,TransDetail.ImageParamID, TransDetail.ImageParamClassTypeID, TransDetail.ID,CustomerGoodsItem.PrintAs, CustomerGoodsItem.ItemName,TransHeader.DiscountPrice, TransDetail.MeAndSonsDiscountPrice,TransDetail.DiscountPrice, TransHeader.OrderNotes,TransHeader.EstimateGreeting, TransHeader.Description,TransDetailGraphic.DetailImage, TransDetail.HTMLShortFormat,PaymentTerms.MessageText